Coding Style & Structure


Coding follows the PEP 8 Style Guide for Python Code.


The newfies directory:

|-- custom_admin_tools - The code for admin dashboard/menu
|-- api                - The code for APIs
|-- dialer_contact     - The code for phonebook, contact
|   `-- fixtures
|-- dialer_campaign    - The code for dialer campaign
|   `-- fixtures
|-- dialer_cdr         - This defines the call request & its information
|   `-- fixtures
|-- dialer_gateway     - This defines the trunk to deliver the VoIP Calls
|   `-- fixtures
|-- dialer_settings    - This defines sets of settings to apply on user
|-- survey             - The code for survey module
|   `-- fixtures
|-- frontend           - The code for dashboard, forgot password
|-- static
|   |-- newfies
|   |    |-- css
|   |    |-- js
|   |    |-- icons
|   |    `-- images
|-- user_profile       - The code for user profile to extend auth model of Django
|-- resources          - This area is used to hold media files
|-- usermedia          - This folder is used to upload audio files
`-- templates          - This area is used to override templates
    |-- admin
    |   |-- dialer_contact
    |   `-- dialer_cdr
    |-- admin_tools
    |-- registration
    |-- memcache_status
    `-- frontend